Sunday, 16 February 2014

More room, means more space....eventually! Cabin update!

For the last 4 days I've been sorting out and unpacking in my cabin! My furniture was kindly put together by my Dad and by Wednesday evening it was all ready for me to do my bit! I decided to take Thursday off work so I could make good headway with the task to hand. ;o)   There is still a lot to do..but it looks so much better than it did! lol
 Lots of clear space and still lots of empty drawers too ! Just what I had hoped for!   
I drew up a number of ideas and plans of how I wanted the furniture laid out, and they have worked out perfectly and better than I hoped for!  
 This is how it looked on Wednesday afternoon....what a mess! lol 
 There was much to do! lol :oP
 It got so much worse...
 ...and no, this isn't better....yet! lol 
This was when the last piece of furniture was brought in....and well...lots and lots of boxes of stuff! lol
 I had some idea where I wanted to start...and that was the biggest and easiest things to put away!
 I couldn't see my work area for boxes! lol
 By Saturday it was looking better! ;o) 
So by's the best yet! These smaller projects will go on the above back wall two shelves. 
My Dad will make me an table in-fill for the gap, so those boxes (in the side corner) won't be there. One is a made up mini-me cabin, one is a balloon that I plan to have dressed and hang from the ceiling rafters and the other one is Slug and Jiggers etc unit, so they will all be opened in time.  :o) 
Today I can see the area I will work and play! On this side wall I have ordered a small wall shabby chic wall unit. It's handmade and I'm just waiting for it to be painted. I plan to dress it with min's etc., it's so that the cabin looks aesthetically better! I am having my wall pocket watch clock on this wall along with some pictures etc.  
I have moved my Sid Cooke Centenary House to the table. It was too deep to go anywhere else and I didn't want it hacked about.   
 There isn't much space in front of's a big house! 
My Diagon Alley will be at this end..I will  have a corner shop on this side (back) wall and work my way back up the table. I have 4 more shops for the Alley that I haven't made up yet. ;o)
Some much wanted-to-find mini's! I was so pleased to see these two! lol  They will go on my new wall unit when I arrives.
He's a real favourite of mine! I still need to find a few things! I still haven't come across Flourish & Blotts window bits and some supplies etc. I haven't opened all the boxes in the drawers, so tomorrow I will have a look. I'm in no hurry to find them...but find them I must! The boxes under the tables need to opened, labelled and sorted out..not a great task! I'm now on the hunt for fabric for the window curtains and along the fronts of the tables. However, the rest of the interior (windows and doors) painting must be done first. ;o) 

So, it's been busy, so I may have continue with Sugar Plum's roof tiling tomorrow...well I must have some play time huh! lol

I hope you don’t mind my ramblings and madness! :o))

Michelle xxxx


  1. Has trabajado mucho,ahora tu habitación tiene más espacio para poder seguir creando!!!

    1. I have worked hard, I didn't think I'd get as much as I did done in that short time! lol ;o)

  2. Looks great Michelle....functional but so very pretty. And so much space !!! xx

    1. Thank you Jayne, oh my yes, it has to be functional...though I wanted it like my old craft room and I think I have that. I'm having a break from sorting out for a while. ;o)) xxx

  3. Replies
    1. Oh yes and thank you Marina. ;o))

      Hugs! ;o))

  4. Wow you did get alot of work done!!! Looking Great! The way you have the greenhouse stacked on top of one of your houses has my mind gears going! It looks cool, i wonder if a greenhouse on top of one of your houses permanent would be a cool idea?

    1. I have cabin fever of the pleasant kind! lol I am glad the sorting out is mostly done. ;o))

      I've never thought of a greenhouse on top of building, but it could be in an observatory type of shape rather than a traditional shape? It would be inkeeping with what you would see in real life in terms of building shape, or are you thinking more fantasy type shape! ;oP

  5. Michelle, I envy your space, but miniatures somehow grow to fit the room.... It won't be long until you will want to add on. That's just how little things are.

    The cabin is beautiful.

    1. Aww thank you Casey. ;o) You are absolutely correct! All space is relative and will be filled eventually...even if you have a 50 foot square room to fill. I think one has to be practical and pragmatic, you either have to accept one has no more space for new projects and/or decide to sell some in order to make space for new projects.

      I am going to sell my witches house (the hexagon shape building). I'm not worried in the middle term about space, I'm not a fast worker and given that I work too I'm not in any immediate threat of having no space. :oP I do like change though and my techniques are changing all the I don't mind getting rid of projects if and when I want to do other types of projects. ;o))

  6. Hello Michelle,
    What a big project, but your workroom looks absolutely fantastic. It's great to have so much space for minis.
    Big hug,

    1. Thank you Giac! It's great to have it all out and organised, and worth all the effort. ;o)) I was back to my mini hobby today! YAY! lol

      Big hugs! ;o))

  7. Great area to work in Michelle and I know from experience it wont take you long to fill every nook and cranny. Its nice to see Humpty and that you have one of Dawns creations. Happy crafting xxxx

    1. LOL Oh I hope it will be a while yet, but yes...I will fill it! lol :o))

      I adore ole Humpty and Dawn's little fella! These two and Nikki Rowe's potting corner were amiss for a while, I hadn't seen them whilst unpacking, but they soon turned up, much to my delight! ;o))) xxxx
